Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Feather trees

Trying to wrap up decorating for this year.  Christmas is only fifteen days away. This is the first time I have decorated the old feather tree.  I always wanted a feather tree.  I missed getting one at an auction years ago when I didn't have much money.  Then a friend and I exchanged reproduction trees.  I was able to gradually build up a collection of feather tree ornaments for that one.

Then one day several years ago I went to an estate sale.  I wasn't one of the first into the sale.  When I finally got in I saw a feather tree across the room.  I knew that a dealer had already gone through so I guessed that it would be pretty expensive if she had passed it by.  I decided I would have it whatever the cost.  I saw the tag with 3 and 0.  Thirty dollars?  Very cheap.  But to my amazement it was only three dollars.  I shook with excitement as I paid for it.  It is very scraggly but I love it.


  1. Love the old ornaments. I have a few from my childhood that I love to see every year.

  2. I wish ours had survived. I do have a few but none of the baubles.
