Friday, August 9, 2013

Pond 2 Now Open for Swimming

Thinking about winter approaching and what to do with the wash tub full of baby fish, I decided to open a second stock tank for the small ones.   Two of my tanks came from an estate sale in Champaign.  They were in an attic and had been used as cisterns for the house. I moved a bed of iris to make a space for the new tank.  I spent a week patching holes and spraying the patches with spray on rubber sealer.  Filled it up only to find, after a preliminary test, that there was another leak.  Another round of patching and sealing.  Then I had to order pump and filter equipment.  Another week of waiting.  Meantime I noticed that some of the small fish weren't looking too healthy.  I wish I had moved them into the large tank right then, because when moving day finally arrived I found several recently deceased fish.  They had finally exceeded the capacity of the old tin wash tub and were sick from the stagnating water.  But enough survived to happily live in the tank if they all survive.  This morning I saw several healthy baby fish coming up to eat.  Now I'm trying to think of something to do with the overpopulation of water hyacinth.  I've given some away and filled two wash tubs.  Next year I must remember buy only one plant instead of three.

On another note, I've been on a beading jag this week.  I made this necklace, then realized the metal findings were too flimsy.  So I took it all apart and hammered each jump ring and eye pin to add strength, then put it all back together.

Then I went on a pink bead bender.  (Yes. That is a lot of pink, and there are more not shown.)  I ordered the rhinestone rondels with the dentilated beadcaps and I really like them. Can't wait to buy more of the blingy findings.   At least I'm using up some old supplies and enjoying my new work table setup.  That is when the cats will share the space with me.  

I think I will go on a turquoise bead bender next.  But I do love anything pink.

How did the white pair slip in there?

What will I do with all of these?  
Maybe some junior high girls with questionable taste will want them.  
I'm off to the craft stores to buy some more beads!

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