Monday, April 15, 2013

Nice weather.....

........if you are a toad.

Water iris in the trough sending up shoots

Flowers are finally blooming in my yard thanks to lots of rain and few warm days



When I was growing up there was a quince bush outside my bedroom window.  We called it japonica.  Every year a catbird would build its nest in the brambles of the bush.  Early each morning, in the earliest hours, the catbird would practice its broad repertoire of songs.  Even when I was young I could appreciate the song and its mimicry of other birds.

Catbird on Singer trade card

Service berry

We had a huge service berry tree at home in St. Francisville.  Mom bought it for dad because he remembered them from his youth.  He called it a sarvice berry and it was only a few years ago that I found out the true pronunciation.  Mom made pie for Dad with the berries.  


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