Sunday, August 9, 2015


Amateur paper conservation
White Flowers


Colored Flowers

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The fox

I often see a fox when I walk the dogs along the railroad tracks.  This past week I saw the fox running ahead of us down the track until it disappeared.  I stopped to look at an indigo bunting for a few minutes.  As I turned back to continue the walk, the fox was sitting on a pile of railroad ties just watching the dogs and me, less than fifty feet away.  It sat there looking directly at us for quite some time.  I decided to pull out the phone for a picture and missed the perfect shot.  In the second photo you can just see the tip of his tail as he ran off.  A few minutes later he was posing further away on the tracks.  I regret not getting that close up shot.

This girl

After more than a year, this cat is becoming less timid, venturing to approach the food bowl as I fill it.  Last night she came up to me to eat from the spoon as I filled her bowl.  I fed her from the spoon last night and this morning.  She seems to prefer this than to eat from a bowl.  Whatever it takes.....

Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 22, 2015

Working to clear the garden beds and see what is sprouting today.

One of my helpers, Boris.

Larkspur seedlings that I started in the refrigerator.  In a fleece tunnel to protect them from frost.

Boris again.

Iris and alium.

Anise Hissop


Dame's Rocket


Cleared bed


Wishing for a chipper shredder.