Sunday, April 20, 2014

New friends

Lots of new friends this year.  Cats from all over stop by to eat every day.  Two of them decided to stay.

Tom Tiger.  A gentle and shy cat who took over Queenie's house this fall.  He is very large and drinks excessive amounts of water.

An old cat who moved under the house this winter.    She stays with Queenie.  I call her Mrs. Selby though I think she is called Mama one block over.  I was surprised when she came forward to be petted.  Now she will even sit on my lap.  She has probably given birth to a majority of neighborhood cats though she is spayed now.

Sweet little Dexter who I adopted for my birthday.  He is 13 years old. He seems to be settling in and is trying new foods and toys each week.  I'm so glad that I got him.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter

Too far behind with spring cleaning to muster up the full range of Easter decorations this round.  You can read into that, "I'm not sure where I put all of them."

Flora in her bonnet with her old woolie chicks and bunnies.

A felted goose I made for a local gooseherd.

These are rabbits that I made repairs to.  Feet and ears were recreated with paper clay.