Saturday, September 21, 2013

The moth

Ghost fish

One of the fish hadn't been seen for a couple of months.  It appears to be blind and I feared something had happened to it.   It is all white with pale transparent eyes.  Today it slowly appeared from the depth of the fish tank.  I'm happy that it is still part of the fish family.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

An Anniversary

September 19, 1953

Today would have been Mom and Dad's 60th wedding anniversary.  I'm sorry they aren't here to celebrate it.  Mom in a gray wool suit with black jet bead trim and Dad in a gray suit to match.  They were married in Lawrenceville and Aunt Betty and Uncle Frank were witnesses.  Mom's ring was her grandmother's wedding band.

I don't know if Mom and Dad had "a song" but there were always Mantovani records in our home.  I heard this today and it reminded me of them.  Mom wore a perfume called "Here is my Heart" so I suppose my mind makes this connection.  Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A visit to Allerton Park

A sunny day in Robert Allerton Park in Monticello, Illinois.

Kindred spirits marching to the beat of similar drums.

Friday, September 6, 2013


The mother cat is now called Queenie.  
She is starting to fill out.

She is still pretty wild, but tolerates petting and combing.  Occasionally. 

All of her kittens found homes through the humane society.  They were each named by cchs for Duck Dynasty characters which probably boosted their popularity.

This is the first summer that I have gotten a tan.  Most would call it "light flesh tone."  I am still delighted by this.

I found these Meakin ironstone plates at the thrift store.

Lots of caterpillars,  water hyacinth blossoms, and 
bees in the garden lately.