Sunday, March 10, 2013


I had a very good birthday this weekend.  The weather wasn't as good as I expected it to be but it was almost like spring.  I received nice presents, very generous presents.  The day was spent by watching a new british dvd after a trip to Barnes and Noble to buy a stack of magazines.  It was all good.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Not the best time......

...for the furnace to stop working.  But it could be worse as the outdoor temperature is around 36 today.  The house is staying around 52 degrees with multiple space heaters running.  Dogs are covered in blankets and the cats are wisely staying in the warmest room which is around 66 degrees.  The most comfortable place in the house is in the aquarium which is 70 some degrees.  Leaving the taps trickling so the pipes won't freeze and burst,  I will call the repairman first thing tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I'm baking a lot which doesn't seem to be warming up the house much at all.  I suppose the cats under the house have moved on to warmer locations.

Warm glow

Carrot Cupcakes

Friday, March 1, 2013


Soft snow

Footprints of the many cats warming up underneath the house.
